The construction of Integrated Meat Plants began in 1985 and the production started in 1988. The company which has an issued capital of ₺25 Million and an equity capital of ₺50 Million, the company has a capacity of breeding 700 cattle in a season at the facilities with an indoor space of 24.000 sqm over a 563-decare land. The slaughterhouse has a daily capacity to slaughter 480 cattle, 1,200 sheep and goats and to cut them into pieces, if needed. The company has a capacity of producing 100 tons of charcuterie (sausage, salami, hotdog, fried meat, ham) per month in 1-shift work a day in the charcuterie production section.
(Halal) slaughtering at the plants is performed in accordance with the Islamic methods and in full compliance with the hygiene rules requested by Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Health. Production is carried out in accordance with the standards of the European Union and U.S.D.A (Ministry of Agriculture). Vanet's productions are certified with ISO9001, HCCP 13001, Food Registration Certificate, Production Permits and TSE Quality and Halal Slaughtering Certificates. All wastes and leftovers at the facilities are put to good use at the rendering facilities and products such as bone flour and rendering fat are produced. The facility has a capacity to store 1,500 tons of carcass meat and products.